
Movement Assessment

"If you aren't assessing, you are guessing". We help you to understand your strengths and highlight the areas to develop based on your goals.

Our assessment involves 4 stages in order for yes to gain a full insight into how you move, your strengths and limitations so we can design and tailor a programme and approach to best suit you. We start with training and injury history, posture assessment, then a joint assessment and finally a movement screen
'What I hugely admire about G2G is how the coaches take such an interest in their clients from the minute they get to know coach Donnie Macfadyen would read up on the Parachute Regiment/anecdotes about Army life or find documentaries to watch such as the P company test series on YouTube to grasp a stronger understanding of what the physical demands entailed. This would then create a talking point for both of us and to me it really showed that he cared about where I wanted to go. Having said that I noticed in my training sessions all the coaches at G2G show the same interest and passion towards their members. '
Will Channing
Ex Rugby/ Training for Parachute Regiment

Improve Your Training, Manage Pain, Recover From Injury

